
I don’t recall where I saw this #hashtag late December 2011,  but I remember going to The Savvy Reader and getting hook on the idea of reading as a new years resolution.

At first, I thought it would be very difficult to reach that goal. I don’t consider myself a “Savvy Reader” (yet!) but – after reading some advises and tips on how to get it done – I am confident I will be able to read “at least” 50 this year.

A back of the envelope calculation to keep the moral up:

52 Weeks per year ≈ 1 book per week

250 Average pages per book

35 – 50 Pages needed to be read per day

200 Average words per page

400 words per minute ≈ Average reading speed

Even if you read half the average speed, it would take you between 30-60 minutes to keep a steady pace and get to the goal at the end of December 2012.

Lets keep the inertia going and I will keep a reading inventory of 2012 in here for take advantage of the internet’s peer pressure.

If you would like to know more about this pledge, add a twibbon to your Facebook or Twitter pic, please visit

50 Book Pledge Twibbon AND/OR The Savvy Reader


Since my 2012’s personal resolutions are:

  • Start blogging
  • Tweet more, better and smarter (or just tweet @arturocm)
  • #50BookPledge @SavvyReader ≈ 1 book per week during the year
  • #codeyear @codecademy
  • Submit Conference Paper
  • “Graduate School” Graduation
  • Learn a New language (French)

* to mention few ** in no particular order

I present you… My Blog!

As things becomes more “doable” I will be able to comment more about this and other goals.

I hope the blogging learning curve goes by fast and we experience an improvement in my posts A.S.A.P.

